I have four wonderful Valentines. My dear husband and my three amazing children. Sure, I'm thankful for them every other day of the year. Of course, I surprise them with little gifts that let them know I'm thinking of them. But Valentine's Day is a great day to share with each other, gorge on chocolates and laugh at silly cards. I love my family and my sweet Valentines bring me joy!
Found your blog on Come Sit by My Fire and I really enjoy it. Such a strong spiritual practice, finding the joy in the everyday. Have added myself to your followers. Great job.
Here it is Valentine's Day and I had to stop by and wish you a great one.
a wish from me:
On this day, may you know, really know how much you are loved. May you recognize love in all it's forms. May you be grateful for the love of children and pets, old friendships and new. May your heart swell with all the beauty this life brings. Happy Valentine's Day, my friend.
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