I can't think of the number 69 and not think of my former high school students. I no longer teach, but when I did and I said, "Turn to page 69" or "The answer is 69" the class would erupt into a fit of giggles. They thought they were the only ones in on the joke, that a teacher couldn't possibly know what 69 might be referring to. I'd play dumb and say, "What? What's so funny?" Which would only make them giggle all the more. I loved teaching that age. Their sense of worldliness - when they weren't so worldly. The tough
veneer on the outside, but soft, squishy, and
lovable on the inside. And the things they would do that made me laugh. I still keep in touch with many of them - thanks to
Facebook. So they still make me giggle and smile. Especially as they realize how much they don't know. Yes, my high school students
still bring me joy.