My son's class has been studying the Victorian era and to culminate the unit they had a Victorian Tea Party. They had lessons on manners and
etiquette. They dressed up in formal dress complete with top hats for the gentlemen. I was one of the parent volunteers to help host the party and it was so much fun. I loved seeing my son in his school environment, learning more about his friends and just seeing the kids in action. Plus, the tea party was delightful! It took two hours of preparation on the front end to prepare the scones, cucumber sandwiches, biscuits and assemble the cakes. It took about an hour and a half on the back end just washing all the delicate china, teapots, platters and silverware by hand. All for a one hour tea party. But so worth it because it was a joy to participate in!
I love a good tea party! One of my favorite things to do!
What a great teacher your child is blessed with.
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