Thank goodness my daughter doesn't know about this blog. Because I'd never call her a "live-in babysitter" within earshot. But today she was a complete God-send. I had so much to do and she saw how hard I was working, but spinning my wheels because the boys were underfoot. "Mom? Do you want me to take them off your hands for awhile?" I nearly wept. So, she took them bowling ($1 per game summer specials) and I got so much done. I love my daughter! My live-in babysitter is pure joy!
What a beautiful family! And how thoughtful of her, to notice your mood and generously offer to help.
With a brother and sister who are 9 and 12 years younger than me, I was the live-in babysitter. And my parents called me that, but I was okay with it. They did a good job of not assuming I would babysit, not taking me for granted. And paying me sometimes too.
I have my sixteen year old sister visiting, and it is nice to be able to slip off into another part of the house, and not worry about my son. Peace of mind (and peace and quiet) moments are worth their weight in gold! :)
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