I don't always make it to the computer every day to post. But I keep a little black notebook with me to jot down the joy of the day. With this time change - well, I've been thrown for a loop. I'm having a heck of a time catching up on sleep, story time with my kids, computer time for me. When I signed on today to catch up on my posts I found all these comments (well, a few - but a lot for me) waiting for me on my previous posts. I started this blog as a little experiment for myself. I didn't run out there, commenting everywhere, trying to build up support for THIS blog. It's been a quiet little start and that's ok with me. But I am humbled and stunned that the few of you that DO visit take the time to comment on my little joys. You are all so sweet, so kind to do so. Please know how much joy I find in your comments. True joy!
i've been thrown off by the time change too.
it's funny how comments from people we don't even know can make our day. but it's true. and i appreciate your visits and comments to our blog as well.
I comment because I so appreciate that you are helping spread joy. By sharing your daily sources of joy, you help me also be aware of the joy surrounding me. You are contagious! (Not in a scary medical way, in a good habit way!)
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