It was a lazy day at Chez Joy. I'm still struggling to get over this cold. The antibiotics are wonderful but I'm dragging. I have so little energy. Just enough energy to fold laundry and catch up on the shows I've TiVo'd. What DID we do before TiVo? I hardly watch a commercial anymore. I skip through the car-chase scenes or pointless action or sex. Reader's Digest condensed versions of my favorite shows. Oh, the joy in TiVo!
So now I am wondering what your favorite shows are? I tend to like weird ones. But, since we don't have a TV, I catch them years after the fact on Netflix. My new discovery is Lie to Me. Pretty interesting.
LOVE Lie to Me! I like such a variety of programs - from Amazing Race to Grey's Anatomy to 30 Rock. Big Bang Theory and In Plain Sight. I watch way more television than I should!
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