And this time of year? Oh the joy in receiving snail mail holiday cards! With pictures, without pictures, with annoying brag letters or not. I love them all. Even just a signature is fine with me. It means you were thinking of us. I used to be annoyed if a handwritten note wasn't inside. But now that I'm married with children I am fully aware of the distractions that can keep you from being more personable. And now, there are so many people that don't even bother to slap a stamp on something that I'll take what I can get. And today? Three little bundles of joy arrived in my mailbox today! So today, I'm finding joy in snail mail.
I love receiving "snail mail"--a welcome surprise among all of the other responsibilities and obligations represented in the mailbox. In this day of texts and emails, I also greatly enjoy sending handwritten notes throughout the year--kind of sending little bits of love and good energy to those I care about:)
Meeee, too! And I agree that it is nice to know that someone is thinking of you & took the time to send a crad.
Thanks for stopping by! Nice to find another cheery blog!!
thanks for the reminder of just being thought of....I usually get angry when there aren't any photos in the cards I receive, but you just made me thing in a whole new way....
Yep, email for me too. I tried a few times over the years to write a letter, but as I kept in contact via email, there was nothing left to say! So nowadays I try to send a little token every once in a while. Total surprises rather than birthday or similar presents.
I know how wonderful it is to receive such things. Yes, it's a small joy in someone's day. I guess with email etc, these thoughtful gestures are even more appreciated.
Oh my gosh, what a lovely thing to give thanks for. I, too, love receiving things in the mail, although I now accept email in those same rankings I once only allowed USPS mail to grace.
Like you, I also used to scoff at people who only signed their name and didn't write a note, but as I get older, I grow more compassionate. I recognize that life sometimes takes over, and as a result, it's the thought that counts.
I'm not sure how many holiday cards I'll receive this year, mainly because I stopped sending my own for environmental reasons. Maybe there will come a time when I'll be thankful for someone just thinking of me - sending their good energy out into the world, regardless of how it reaches me.
Ah such things to ponder on a cold, wintry morning!
Much love & joy to you! And here's wishing you lots more "good" mail!
Me too. I love getting cards in the mail. Thanks for reminding me that others do too. I should do it more.
Did my mother pay you to write this post? :) We are about to leave for a two week holiday trip; I have yet to send out my cards so I was threatening to send an e-mail card this year. She shuddered at the thought. I agree with both of you, though, that there's something lovely and permanent about holding a card in your hands. So I will find a way to get those cards in the mail before we go.
I wanted to come back to the beginning and tell you how much I love this idea of yours.
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