The convenience of cell phones is amazing to me. When they first arrived on the scene, all clunky and awkward I thought:
ehhh, they're helpful but if people REALLY need to get a hold of me they can catch me at home. I never considered the safety factor or the convenience of being out all day - not having anything at home to make for dinner and the ability to call my favorite take-out to be ready for me to pick up on my way home. Or being able to contact my teenage daughter any time, any where. Traveling and not having to give anyone an extensive itinerary - just my cell phone number. Sure, we've all had to re-think telephone etiquette. Sure, there are
"inconsiderates" out there who will never learn. But if it isn't with their cell phone it would be with their car or handheld game or just their annoying personality. But MY cellphone? Joy! Pure joy!